Specialist Provision

TVED specialist provision and placement pathways

We know that children with SEND respond to different learning pathways, and those pathways must be responsive to need and meet individual outcomes. That is why at TVED we ensure that through a process of assess, plan, do and review, we are constantly monitoring the progress of our learners to ensure their learning pathway and provision is meeting need. We do this by creating 4 bespoke learning ‘provision pathways’:

Provision pathway

Mainstream Academy
(Universal and SEN
Support needs are met
ARP in Mainstream
(SEND Base or Unit)
Hub & Spoke model
(Dual-registered with
special but attends
Special Academy

Below is a ‘front door’ profile of our Trust SEND designations and areas of specialism within each TVED academy. You can read the individual academies’ SEND information reports on their websites, as well as information about the relevant local authority’s Local Offer, which sets out local SEND provision and support for children and families. Click on the academy logo below to a direct link to the SEND area within the academy homepage.

A key point of contact within each of our academies is the Headteacher and SENDCo, who lead on the SEND strategy under the direction of the CEO and Trust Directors.

Age range: 4½ to 11
Gender: Mixed
Provision: Base
SEND Designation: ASD, C&I, Asperger’s, Sensoryprocessing disorder
Capacity: 35 places

Children who access this specialist provision present with:
A diagnosis of ASD or Asperger’s In addition to their primary need, some speech and/or learning is evident Significant sensory needs, sensory development, communication and interaction Have a potential diagnosis of sensory processing disorder EHCP is in place or child is progressing through EHC pathway

Age range: 3 to 11
Gender: Mixed
Provision: Unit SEND Designation: Physical, Complex medical, Sensory processing, Speech & Language with associated learning difficulties
Capacity: 53 places

Children who access this specialist provision present with:
Sensory, complex medical and/or physical as the primary need Evidence of significant physical or medical need from a medical professional A personal healthcare plan is required with significant adaptations within school and home In addition to their primary need, some communication / interaction and learning delay is evident EHCP is in place or child is progressing through the EHC pathway

Age range: 3 to 16
Gender: Mixed
Provision: Special School SEND Designation: Severe Learning Difficulties, ASD, C&I, Asperger’s, complex medical
Capacity: 128 places

Children who access this specialist provision present with:
Complex and severe learning difficulties Non-verbal to 4-word level Significant sensory needs, sensory development, communication and interaction Have a potential diagnosis of sensory processing disorder and ASD alongside their severe learning difficulty Difficulties with short and long-term memory, sequential memory and have limited working memory Require extensive support to access a personalised curriculum, often with individual timetables Need extensive support to interact with others Requires support with all aspects of self-care (including feeding, dressing and intimate care) A EHCP is in place


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