Curriculum Offer

We aim to provide a broad and balanced curriculum, taking full account of the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and the current statutory National Curriculum aligned to Our Vision and Our Aims.

Our Curriculum comprises of:

  • Four curriculum pathways to ensure every child accesses an outstanding offer that meets their educational need.
  • Full coverage of all National Curriculum subjects – Reading, Writing, Maths, Science, History, Geography, Art, Design Technology, Physical Education, Music, Computing, PSHE and Citizenship (including Sex Education) and Religious Education (local agreed syllabus). Of note for 22/23 a Foreign Language will be reinstated, following a review, in all Key Stage 2 classes following the exit from the transitional phase.
  • A Business, Enterprise and Culture curriculum that provides meaningful and planned engagement with the local and regional business community to ensure our curriculum is relevant and prepares our children for adulthood and the world of work.
  • A wide range of trust specialisms and extra-curricular activities, which are undertaken by teaching staff or outside providers, outside of curriculum hours.

Trust Intent & Entitlement for All

At Tees Valley Education our knowledge-rich national curriculum-based offer is mapped to reflect, and meets, the bespoke needs of all children in the trust; across mainstream, unit and specialist provision. Through defined pathways the curriculum encompasses a mainstream, unit and specialist curricula offer delivered through a SEND continuum of formal, semi-formal and informal. Designed to ensure academic progress for all children, using the latest research in the science of learning, the inclusive practice and provision demonstrates the trusts determination to achieve excellence.

We want all of our children to make progress: to know more, remember more and do more. We provide learning opportunities that will widen, deepen and build on prior knowledge across all curriculum areas, fostering curiosity, aspirations, a passion for learning and the cultural capital needed to succeed in life.

At Tees Valley Education we are utterly committed to narrow the gaps and support the development of the reading, vocabulary and oracy as we recognise the trusts community needs, supported during the transition phase through blended learning and digital agency. The intentions are to enable pupils to communicate effectively, become independent learners and prepare them well for the next stage of their education, their future lives and employment and to be responsible active citizens.

Our Curriculum Pathways

TVEd Curriculum Pathways was a result of innovative practice to meet the unique context and bespoke needs of the children who come under our care. It is designed to be highly flexible and adaptable to ensure we meet the specific and personalised needs of our children. It is grounded in the Rochford Review and then further iterations have reflected current research whilst responding to the changing faces of education.

Formal curriculum pathways – for all mainstream children defined by the statutory orders of the National Curriculum and the EYFS Curriculum.

Semi-Formal plus curriculum pathway – for all our SEND unit provision children defined by the statutory orders of the National Curriculum and the EYFS Curriculum but amended to suit their cognitive learning, communication, medical and physical need. The DFE defines SEND Units – ‘Special provisions within a mainstream school where the children with a specific type of SEN are taught mainly within separate classes’.

Semi-Formal and Informal Curriculum Pathway – for all our children with complex SEND who attend our special school. This is highly personalised to meet their academic, physical and therapeutic needs and is grounded in National Curriculum and the EYFS Curriculum. The DFE defines Special Schools – ‘Special school or provision which is designed specifically to provide education and support to people with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities. Children who attend special schools have been identified as having special educational needs or a disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for them and most have an EHC plan’. (For more details – add link to DSA Curriculum page).

Where do our Academies Fit On Our Curriculum Pathways?

Key Trust Documents

Trust Intent Curriculum Pathways
Trust Curriculum Pathways – Informal, Semi Formal, Semi Formal Plus and Formal
Trust Curriculum Long Term Plan – Early Years
Trust Curriculum Long Term Plan – Year 1 to Year 6


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